Employment Law Lawyers

Before the COVID-19 pandemic most Americans worked in an office setting of some sort for 8 or so hours per day. Due to COVID-19 employers have allowed for many employees to work from home as workplace safety is everyones top priority. Even while working remotely bosses, supervisors, co-workers and business owners need to treat all employees fairly, not harass them based on anything and pay them what they are worth. In a perfect world this would all happen. Unfortunately in reality many employees are sexually harassed, discriminated against for age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religious beliefs, immigration status, HIV status as well as being pregnant. In addition, some employees are forced to work overtime and not paid for it. Out of fear of being retaliated against many workers take their lumps as in this day and age they are thankful to have a job. This behavior by employers is against the law and horribly unethical. If you are going through any type of employment law issue please contact our employment law lawyers for a complimentary and confidential case evaluation. They serve the black, Latino, hetero and LGBTQ communities nationwide. You can also visit @employmentlawlawyers to begin your free consultation.